2D Image - Description of plugins
For binary images black pixels are the background. White pixels are the foreground or the object.
Image opener
- Opens a single image or an image stack
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- For a stack, all images must be of same size and type
- Includes a preview (thumbnail) panel
- Note: Fiji displays RGB images as 3 channel color images. Workaround: Type Image/Type/RGB Color
- Note: Fiji sometimes displays RGB images with an enhanced red channel. Workaround: Image/Color/Arrange Channels… and press OK
Image generator
- Generates a single image or an image stack
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Image size can be set
- Maximal grey values can be set
- Random, Gaussian, Sine - radial, Sine - horizontal, Sine - vertical, Constant
- Frequency can be set for Sine
- Fractal surface - Fourier (FFT) or Midpoint displacement (MPD) or Sum of sine method
- Theoretical fractal dimension in the range of [2,3] can be set
- For Sum of sine the frequency, amplitude and number of iterations can be set
- Hierarchical random maps
- Three probabilities can be set
- Fractal random shapes
- The number of shapes can be set
- The size (thickness/radius/size) of random shapes can be set
- The hyperbolic downscaling [0, 1] of the size can be set (scaling=0… without downscaling, scaling=1… maximal downscaling)
- Fractal Iterated function system (IFS) - Menger, Sierpinski, Mandelbrot islands/lakes, Koch snowflake, Fern, Heighway dragon
- The number of IFS iterations can be set
- The polygon number for the Koch snowflake can be set
- The number of iterates must be really high for the Fern
- Note: Fiji sometimes displays oversaturated grey values. Workaround: Image/Color/Edit LUT… and press 2x Invert
- Note: Fiji displays RGB images as 3 channel color images. Workaround: Image/Type/RGB Color
- Note: Fiji sometimes displays an enhanced R channel. Workaround: Image/Color/Arrange Channels… and press OK
Preprocessing - Auto crop borders
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Useful for e.g. computing fractal dimensions of ojects rather than images
- Black or white background can be choosen
Preprocessing - Filter
- Image filtering
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Gaussian blur
- Sigma can be set
- Mean, Median
- Size of kernel can be set
- Low-pass, High-pass with FFT
- Radius (Cutoff frequency) can be set
Preprocessing - Histogram modification
- Modification of histogram
- White balance depending on ROI selection
- More options to come…..
Preprocessing - Noise
- Adding noise
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Shot, Salt&Pepper
- Percentage of pixels that will be changed can be set
- Uniform
- Percentage of maximum value changes can be set
- Gaussian, Rayleigh, Exponential
- Scaling parameter can be set
Preprocessing - Particles to stack
- Single 8-bit binary image
- Particles in a binary image [0, >0] are separated to an image stack
- Maximum connected particles number is 65535
- Useful to e.g. analyze each particle itself instead of all particles together
- Only for a single input image
Preprocessing - Segmentation - RGB Relative
- Segmentation using relative RGB channel ratios
- Type of ratio equation can be set
- Ratio threshold can be set
- Pixels with ratio value > ratio threshold are colored to the RGB channel specified by the numerator of the type equation
Preprocessing - Surrogates
- Computes surrogate images
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Shuffle, Gaussian, Random phase, AAFT
- FFT windowing can be set
Complexity analyses - Kolmogorov complexity and Logical depth
- KC is estimated in a fast way by compressing data bytes (ZIP, ZLIB, GZIB) or
- KC is estimated by the memory size of compressed images saved to disk (TIFF-LZW, PNG, J2K, JPG) - slow!
- 8-bit grey images
- RGB color images may also work, but not tested
- Lossless and lossy algorithms can be chosen
- Lossless algorithms are recommended.
- LD is estimated by the decompression time of the compressed data bytes (ZIP, ZLIB, GZIB) or
- LD is estimated by the opening time of the compressed image (TIFF-LZW, PNG, J2K, JPG)
- Iterations should be set to as high a value as possible.
- LD values should be taken with caution, as computers are not well suited to measure times
- Zenil et al., Complexity, 2012, DOI 10.1002/cplx.20388
Entropy analyses - Generalised entropies
- SE, H1, H2, H3, Renyi, Tsallis, SNorm, SEscort, SEta, SKappa, SB, SBeta, SGamma
- Probabilities are computed with plain pixel grey values
- 8-bit grey images
- A plot of Renyi entropies can be shown
- Amigo et al., 2018, Entropy, DOI 10.3390/e20110813
- Tsallis, Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics, Springer, 2009
Fractal analyses - Box counting dimension
- Fractal dimension with box counting
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] counting or DBC and RDBC
- Raster box scanning
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Sarkar & Chauduri, Pattern Recognit., 1992, DOI 10.1016/0031-3203(92)90066-R
- Jin et al., Pattern Recognit. Lett., 1995, DOI 10.1016/0167-8655(94)00119-N
Fractal analyses - Correlation dimension
- Fractal correlation dimension
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] or grey value mass algorithm
- Raster box scanning (approximation but fast) or
- Sliding box scanning (classical pair wise occurrence counting)
- Computation times can be lowered by decreasing the Pixel% (% of randomly chosen object pixels)
- or by using a fixed grid estimation of summing up squared counts (Raster box scanning)
- Sliding algorithm is quite similar to Mass radius dimension (center point is included for the mass)
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Grassberger & Procaccia, Physica D, 1983, DOI 10.1016/0167-2789(83)90298-1
Fractal analyses - Directional correlation dimension
- A directional dependent fractal correlation dimension
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] or grey value mass algorithm
- Classical pair wise occurrence counting
- Directions can be set
- Horizontal & vertical, 4 radial directions [0-180°], 180 radial directions [0-180°]
- Computation times can be lowered by decreasing the Pixel% (% of randomly chosen image pixels)
- The number of distances with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
Fractal analyses - FFT dimension
- Fractal dimension with FFT algorithm
- 8-bit grey images
- Several windowing filters can be set
- Circluar average of k values or
- Mean of separate line scans (horizontal and verical) or
- Integrated line scans (k should be restricted to low values - frequencies)
- Dt=2, Topological dimension is assumed to be 2
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- For circular averaging, the number of regression points is higher than k itself and additionally, will be automatically lowered to the number of averages.
- Anguiano et al., Journal of Microscopy, 1993, DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2818.1993.tb03416.x
Fractal analyses - FracLac
- Link to the FracLac package
- The Frac_Lac.jar file must be in the plugins folder
- FracLac for ImageJ
- FracLac download
Fractal analyses - Fractal fragmentation indices
- FFI - Fractal fragmentation index
- FFDI - Fractal fragmentation and disorder index
- FTI - Fractal tentacularity index
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm
- FFI = FD of mass - FD of boundary
- FFI is the fractal dimension of the image - Fractal dimension of the boundary image
- Boundary image = Image - Eroded image (erosion by one pixel)
- FFDI = D1(1-FFI)
- D1 is the Information dimension
- FTI = FFI(convex hull) - FFI
- Fractal dimension computations with Box counting (raster box scanning)
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Andronache et al., Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2016, DOI 10.1016/j.chaos.2016.06.013
Fractal analyses - Generalised dimensions
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] or grey value mass algorithm
- Raster or sliding box scanning
- NOTE: Fast sliding box using convolution ist still in beta
- Sliding box computation times can be lowered by decreasing the Pixel% (% of randomly chosen image pixels)
- Dq and f-spectrum plots can be shown
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Ahammer et al., Physica D, 2003, DOI 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00099-X
Fractal analyses - Higuchi dimension 1D
- Fractal dimension for 1D grey value profiles extracted from an image
- 8-bit grey images
- Several extraction methods can be chosen
- Single centered row/column, Single meander row/column, Mean of all rows/columns, 4 radial lines [0-180°], 180 radial lines [0-180°]
- Radial lines (grey value profiles) are length corrected and grey values are interpolated
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Ahammer, PLoS ONE, 2011, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0024796
Fractal analyses - Higuchi dimension 2D
- Fractal dimension with Higuchi inspired 2D algorithms
- 8-bit grey or RGB color images
- Several options can be chosen
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Ahammer et al., Chaos, 2015, DOI 10.1063/1.4923030
Fractal analyses - Lacunarity
- Lacunarity of a binary image
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes can be set
- Shows a double logarithmic plot of lacunarities
- Raster/Sliding box scanning or Tug of war method
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm for Raster/Sliding box and Tug of war method
- Grey value algortihm for Raster/Sliding box
- Sliding box computation times can be lowered by decreasing the Pixel% (% of randomly chosen image pixel)
- <L>-R&P… Weighted mean lacunarity according to Roy & Perfect, Fractals, 2014, DOI10.1142/S0218348X14400039
- <L>-S&V… Weighted mean lacunarity according to Sengupta & Vinoy, Fractals, 2006, DOI 10.1142/S0218348X06003313
- The ToW algorithm is a statistical approach and is dependent on the accuracy and confidence settings
- In the original paper accuracy=30 and confidence=5
- But it is recommended to set accuracy and confidence as high as computation times allow
- Reiss et al., Chaos, 2016, DOI 10.1063/1.4966539
Fractal analyses - Mass radius dimension
- Fractal mass radius dimension
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] or grey value mass algorithm
- Discs over center of mass (fast) or
- Sliding box scanning over object pixels
- Sliding computation times can be lowered by decreasing the Pixel% (% of randomly chosen object pixels)
- Sliding algorithm is quite similar to Correlation dimension (center point is included for the mass)
- The number of discs with distinct radii according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Landini & Rippin, Bioinformatics, 1993, DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/9.5.547
Fractal analyses - Minkowski dimension
- Fractal dimension with morphological dilations and erosions
- 8-bit binary or grey images
- Binary [0, >0] dilation
- Blanket or Variation method with grey value dilation/erosion
- The number of dilation/erosion steps can be set
- The shape of the morphological structuring element can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Ahammer et al., Physica D, 2008, DOI 10.1016/j.physd.2007.09.016
- Dubuc et al., Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A425113–127, 1989, DOI 10.1098/rspa.1989.0101
Fractal analyses - Perimeter area dimension
- Fractal perimeter area dimension with box counting
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] counting
- Raster box scanning
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, 1982
Fractal analyses - Pyramid dimension
- Fractal dimension by using image pyramids
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Number of object pixels is counted for subsequently size reduced images
- Results are identical to the common Box counting algorithm for quadratic images with size 2^n
- For other sizes it yields more reliable results, because box truncation is not necessary
- Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber & Ahammer, Chaos, 2016, DOI 10.1063/1.4958709
Fractal analyses - Succolarity
- Succolarity by flooding the black pixels of a binary image
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes can be set
- Shows a double logarithmic plot of succolarities
- Raster box or Sliding box scanning
- Flooding can be set to Top2Down, Down2Top, Left2Right or Right2L
- Mean computes the average of all four flooding directions
- Anisotropy in the range [0, 1] is computed in the same way as the fractional anisotropy of diffusion
- Succolarity reservoir is the largest possible flooding area (#black pixels)/(#total pixels)
- Delta succolarity is Succolarity reservoir - Succolarity
- de Melo & Conci, 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2008, DOI 10.1109/IWSSIP.2008.4604424
- de Melo & Conci, Telecommunication Systems, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s11235-011-9657-3
- Andronache, Land, 2024, DOI 10.3390/land13020138
Fractal analyses - Tug of war dimension
- Fractal dimension by using a tug of war algorithm
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm
- The number of boxes with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- The ToW algorithm is a statistical approach and is dependent on the accuracy and confidence settings
- In the original paper accuracy=30 and confidence=5
- But it is recommended to set accuracy and confidence as high as computation times allow
- Reiss et al., Chaos, 2016, DOI 10.1063/1.4966539
Fractal analyses - Walking divider dimension
- Fractal dimension of the object’s contour
- 8-bit binary images
- Binary [0, >0] algorithm
- A single, well segmented and binarised object is expected
- FD is determined for the object’s contour
- For several objects (particles) use Preprocessing/Particles to stack before
- The number of rulers with distinct sizes according to the power of 2 can be set
- Linear regression parameters of the double log plot can be set
- Note: The regression end is estimated from the first image in a stack
- If subsequent images contain fewer object pixels, the regression end may be too high and an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown